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For Sale
490 days on market
Brown Islands, Myers Point 13 photos
Land & Acreage
2025 Assessment & Tax
$55,100 $533
Lot Size
288,337 sqft (6.6 acres)
Listing History
12 events over 4 years
Historical Assessment
120% increase (2021-2025)
Land Registry Records
9 (1970 - 2020)
Victoria Dreimanis ViewPoint REALTOR ® 902-579-0976
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B0J 1W0
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The Brown Islands are three archipelago islands and are being offered with a road access parcel of land that is located on the Myers Point Road in the basin of the beautiful Jeddore Harbour. With deep water and shelter from weather, it would... The Brown Islands are three archipelago islands and are being offered with a road access parcel of land that is located on the Myers Point Road in the basin of the beautiful Jeddore Harbour. With deep water and shelter from weather, it would be a great place to dock a house boat. In the water, the big island is the “The Jewel of Jeddore“, a little over 6 acres with elevation offering a lot of high and dry area above the ocean to develop your island. There is a cleared space on the south side with a view of the other two small islands.The west side of the big island offers deep anchorage and the east side offers a sheltered sandy cove with a natural breakwater giving many options for docks. The island’s feature their own personal sand bar that creates a pool between the three islands, at low tide you can walk across the sand to explore the other two islands. Enjoy the breathtaking sunrises and sunsets, watch the seabirds, eagles and the occasional seal basking in the sun while listening to the sounds of the ocean. The MU (Mixed Use) zoning offers so much opportunity with these properties, you can build a private home on the island, use the access area for boat slips and offer destination adventures on the islands that are just a few minutes away, and there are many other locations to explore around the harbour. Hunting, fishing, paddling and hiking around the waters edge are just some of the fun you can have on you own personal islands. The community offers walking trails, beaches, bakery and shoppes, only 45 minutes from Halifax. HST is over and above the purchase price. Read More

Listing ID: 202321232 PID: 00627869

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